Keeping Orchids Plants in Pots

Keeping Orchids Plants in Pots

Orchid is a plant that has many species of the most beautiful  types. Types of beautiful orchid flower is one of them is the orchid flower orchid moon is much favored by the majority of the Indonesian population, especially women, we have a large collection of drawings and photographs.
Orchid plant flowers for additional references and a wide collection of rare kinds of  you. It is not impossible if more people are figuring out how to grow the orchid flowers. This is because the flower or plant Orchid is one of ornamental plants suitable display both inside and outside the home and is suitable to the climate in the location.

How to grow orchids
There are various types of orchids that even immortalized as photos and drawings as well as paintings of the most beautiful orchids. The series of types of orchids  black orchid, orchid purple, red orchids, tiger orchids, orchids, orchids of Papua and still many other varieties of orchids, because orchids are plants that are very suitable for life in the tropics. Orchard is planted through nursery then transplanted to pot or other media.

  Adapted orchids can be grown in the house? Of course orchid cultivation can be done in an enclosed space, ie the plant in the pot, then the pot is placed in the home. Is not orchid plant is a plant that must be exposed to the sun? Yes, one of the requirements and how to care for orchids flowering plants are placed in a place exposed to the sun. 
        However, keep in mind that there are tips for caring Orchid flowers. Inside these tips, there is one point which indirectly could make orchids placed in the home as long as there is light at the plants nearby.
        Here are tips on caring for orchids in the home.

• Placing orchids in a place exposed to sunlight naturally but should not be too hot
The bottom line is the ideal place put him in a place not exposed to direct sunlight.

• Buy the room lights.
It is intended as a planter to put orchids in the room and prevent the orchids in the house no shortage of light.

• Keep orchids remain moist
As tropical plants, orchids need to be kept moist.

• Growing Orchids Plant  in pots smaller
This is because the roots of orchids are delicate and need a pot with a smaller size in order to freely develop.

• Giving/applying fertilizer
As the plants, orchids also require fertilizer. Use a special orchid fertilizer or manure for tropical plants.

These five points are the tips on caring for orchids. Of course there are important things before someone does it. One step before care is knowing how to grow orchids. Womenfolk especially lovers of orchids it would need to know this. Why? It is caused usually more satisfied having grown plants rather than purchasing or planted by gardeners.How to apply fertilizer is explain in this blog.

So how exactly how to plant the orchids? There are two styles in this orchid plant crops. Both of these styles are planted in pots or taped. Both of these styles is not a strange thing because orchids are ornamental plants. Here is how to plant each style.

• Planting in pots
  -Selection of pot
The selected pot is a good potting soil or plastic pots.

• Create pole for anchoring rod plant

As a plant that spreads, takes pole to support it. In addition, the function of making the pole is also to maintain and establish orchids in accordance with the wishes of the grower.

• Growing media
Suitable planting medium for growing orchids, namely; charcoal, wood, pieces of fern, coal or tile fragments, and pieces of coconut husk.

• Planting with taped
This cropping style is easier than planting in pots. No need for the media to grow with style affixed. The medium is directly or trees and painting boards. In addition, better if the orchids were selected in an outboard style orchid plants that have stems not too long.    

It is  convenient how to grow orchids plants ? Of course, both with style taped or grown in pots, in fact it is not difficult to grow orchids. Everyone, especially women can try. If you've had success with how to plant it, do tips on caring for orchids that the plants grow and develop properly. Also read the other article on orchards as the orchard fertilizer, with this article we know well about applying fertilizer.

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Keeping Orchids Plants in Pots