Tomatoes roles  sauses are found almost everywhere, at home, at school or faculty inn, and in every kitchens to serve as multy purposes in cooking. Tomatoes juice is refreshing after lunch in Asian habit, and consuming tomatoes is a docter recommendation There are Some Benefits of tomatoes for the body health.

Nutrition experts say substances playing an important role in maintaining a healthy body is an antioxidant. Tomatoes have a lot of antioxidants which are beneficial to the health of the body, some of which are:

1. Anti-cancer
Consuming tomatoes can prevent cancer is well recognized. Although there is no information that is more specific to the type of cancer. The content of anti-oxidants and anti-inflammatory found in tomatoes is suspected as a substance that can act to treat and reduce the risk of cancer.

2. Cardiovascular
By consuming tomatoes there will be a change in the cardiovascular system associated with the two anti-oxidant function and regulation fatty substances in the bloodstream. Antioxidants indispensable cardiovascular system and blood tissue.
One of the major antioxidant role is lycopene. This substance helps to lower blood lipid peroxidation. Lipid peroxidation is a process in which fat contained inside the cells membrant lining the blood vessels. This damage can be repaired with appropriate antioxidants.
Other benefits of tomatoes for heart health is total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol and triglyceride levels. In addition, the intake of tomatoes can also reduce excessive cell clumping of platelets. These clots can cause clotting and blockage undesirable.
Prevention of clotting is important for heart health.
So far, the tomatoes believed to be foods that can reduce the risk of prostate cancer because of the type of substances alpha-tomatine. These substances have been shown to trigger apoptotic cell death in prostate cancer cells.
In addition, alpha tomatine is also useful to suppress the growth of lung cancer, pancreatic cancer and breast cancer.

3. Health of Bone
Consuming tomatoes influence the bone health in a recent study indicated that the lycopene found in tomatoes active role to maintain bone. Lycopene is an antioxidant that reduce the level of oxidation on the bone. It means lycopene prevent bone deterioration.

It is also recommended for people who experience osteoporosis or menopause women. Consumption of approximately two glasses of tomato juice every day meet the need of lycopene.
That is delicious juice supplying enough lycopene avoiding osteoporosis no walking-stick is prepared to the elderly, so please consume tomatoes juice every day.

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