Typical food from Garut Regency Indonesia

Typical Food from Garut Regency Indonesia
In the period after the independence of Indonesia (1960s), Garut was famous and this Regency became the center of attention of the nation and even the international because of the Darul Islam or Negara Islam Indonesia/ Indonesian Islamic State separatist movement (DI / NII). The problem of separatistm  was solved in the 1963, and the regency is safe for everyone to come and investment. So nowaday, many tourists both domestic and international to enjoy the region picturesque mountainous,and hospitality of its people.
Tourism pestival are held to entertain the visitors.
. At this time, the city still has a specificity. Garut and this name become famous not because of DI / NII but the food which is typically delicious. Extra foods that provide energy because of the taste and delicious flavor and high glucose content named dodol.Generally, Garut people has the skills in making these foods. So tourists or travelers visiting Garut when go back home will not forget to buy this typical food dodol.
How to prepare dodol having distinctive flavor that distinguishes it from dodol prepared outside Garut. The following procedure presented are consisted of materials and how to prepare dodol Garut:

I. Materials:
-Ketan, Namely glutinous rice, sticky texture when cooked. The main ingredient should be pure, should not be mixed with rice because it will determine the stickiness of the final product.
-Rice, this additive material is used to facilitate the creation would be quite difficult because of the sticky rice formed because it is too sticky.
-Sugar, Sweetening red, white sugar give steady and sharp sweet flavoring.
- Coconut milk.
Oil-palm. This oil is used only for prevention material or sticky material on the dodol dough wrapper tool.
-Pandan. Leaves a natural flavor, vanilla to add a unique flavor
-Garam. Salt mixed juice to add the flavor.

II. Procedure:
-Ketan flour and brown sugar, coconut milk diluted with water. The dough is sticky rice flour plus sugar coconut milk diluted with water and then boiled in a cauldron or other cooking container cook until it forms a thick batter.

Cooking glutinous rice flour and sugar are cooked on the fire maintain till give signs of mature on the dough.
Once the dough cooked, this dough then poured onto winnowing fortified with wax paper. Cuisine leveled by smearing the surface with oil and allowed to cool. Once cold, this dish is cut to the desired shape, or rolled over to form rolls. If you want to form with a particular shape can be done by using a certain patron. This typical food from the regency (Garut) then packed or wrapped with wax paper and then packed in cartons or bags specified.

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Typical food from Garut Regency Indonesia