Nutritional Content of Food and Health

Nutritional Content of Food and Health

As we often hear earlier that nutrition science is a branch of science that discussed the food and their interaction with the organisms that eat them for the purpose of maintaining and improving the health of the organism. In addition, nutrition is also a combination of a process in which all parts of the body to receive and utilize the material required to perform its functions and also for the growth of the components of the body's rejuvenation. Here are some commonly used terms related to nutrition.

• Nutrients, are the chemical components of food that provide food for the body's needs. Needed by the body in sufficient quantities and must be consumed regularly. Each of nutrients - protein, carbohydrates, fats, minerals, vitamins, and water - each has a specific function for the body. But in general, the function of nutrients is to provide energy for the body, build and repair body tissues, and regulate the body's metabolic processes.

• Food, the substance that is inserted in the body which will help meet the energy needs of the body, health maintenance, growth, and reproduction.

• Optimum Nutrition, means that everyone receives and utilize essential nutrients in proportion to body condition and is also capable of providing reserve for the body.

• Nutritional status, is a condition of the body which is a form of accumulated intake of nutrients through the food consumed by the body. Nutritional status associated with the consumption and utilization of nutrients, thus allowing nutrient status of each person is different.

• good nutritional status, refer to the intake of food is good and balanced, which meets all the needs of the nutrients needed by the body. Persons in this condition could also be said to have received the optimum nutrition.

• poor nutritional status, refer to the food intake is not adequate or even excessive intake or poor absorption of nutrients by the body and therefore can not meet the body's nutritional needs. Overeating can also result in poor nutritional status of the person.

• Malnutrition, refers to a person's physical effects on the body due to inadequate food intake in terms of quantity and quality.

Nutrition less, is a condition caused by low food intake. This condition is usually due to the intake of food a person can not meet basal metabolic needs (BMR) is the minimum energy needed by the body to carry out physiological functions of the body.

Content of nutrition of food determine the eficacious of the consumed food, a balance nutrition based on the function is needed to grow and develop of body.

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Nutritional Content of Food and Health