Lack of Law Enforcement on Forest Burner

Lack of Law Enforcement on Forest Burner

The burn of forest in Sumatra and Kalimantan are caused by individual and company that are neglecting the law in active in this country. Meanwhile, activists Environmental Forum (Walhi), said in the period 2007 to 2011, the Ministry of Forestry has issued licenses to various sectors of up to 14 million acres, but the rule of law in the period 2009 to 2013 only reached 17,000 hectares. "Last year, we reported 117 Company in Riau and Jambi 6 Company for alleged environmental crimes to the Ministry of the Environment."

Smog also blanketed the Riau
"We have not seen any of those whose licenses are revoked and a new company was sentenced by the judge," Walhi demanded the government to strictly check the licenses owned forest management company that has hotspots in forest concessions.

Other things, the protection of community rights and access to forest protection by the people also have to be returned to the people involved in forest protection.

Forest fires in Kalimantan and Sumatra, resulting in increased pollution. Currently the smoke had come to Singapore and Malaysia to invite protests from the neighboring countries. In Singapore, the pollution index has reached its highest point and declared unfit. Meanwhile, from the government, there has been no significant action.

Some areas in Kalimantan and Riau have been exposed to this smoke pollution since some time ago. In fact, some residents feel accustom with the condition as it is repeated almost every year. Forest fire smoke is not healthy for us, especially for children, the elderly, and people with respiratory disorders.
Is this polution in the top level in world ? when people blamed the industrial countries are the main contributors to atmospheric pollution by the emission of carbon dioxsida.
So the same with emission of CO2 by the cars and all vehicles in big cities. This  is the result of lack of law enforcement on the forest burner.

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Lack of Law Enforcement on Forest Burner