How To Cultivate Economic Plants

To cultivate  fruits, orchard and other economic plants  require special handling. Below are the practices  that are usually conducted by farmers.

1. Fertilizing.
a. The use of organic fertilizers also need to be careful so as not to pollute the environment.
b. The use of compost materials is unclear essentially need to be careful, because there is a potential to contain pollutants (such as heavy metals, pesticides, toxic materials).

2. In order to do the necessary base fertilization:
a. Laboratory analysis of nutrients near the site.
b. The existence of institutions (Ministry of Agriculture, universities, the Department of Agriculture, BPP, etc.) That can provide advice based on the nutrition  analysis. Expert at the agency needs to have a certificate that shows their ability of fertilization.
c. Training on nutrient and fertilizer to farmers, workers, extension workers and managers.
d. Fertilizer supplier that can supply timely.

E. Irrigation

1. It is recommended that the plant is never a shortage or excess of water.
2. In irrigation in orchards is not done, so that:
a. Effective plant roots absorb nutrients (root feeder) will be deep in the ground, so that the low fertilizer efficiency and crop management is difficult.
b. The growth of vegetative shoots are not all in the same time, so it is difficult to crop management (time fertilizing and pruning), as well as the pests and diseases that are not disconnected because there is almost always young shoots.
c. Flowering in the same time and a little flower. This would complicate arrangement of harvest.
d. Many flowers are not fully developed and the fall, so the fruit is develop as much as the flower..
e. Fruit formed small, not uniform, broke, burned out and low quality.
 f. Low crop productivity.

3. Irrigation needs to be set based on estimates of rainfall, evapotranspiration and crop growing cycle. Giving improper water greatly affect productivity and fruit quality.

4. Each economic plant (orchard) should have a sufficient source of irrigation water. The quality of irrigation water salinity should be maintained so low, because water with high salinity causes the tip of the dried leaves and lowers production. If you need to check the quality of irrigation water (chemical and microbial), especially when using wastewater

5. Understanding the growth cycle of the plant and the local climatic conditions is essential for irrigation planning, as each stage of growth require different amounts of water.
a. During flowering and fruit formation requires a lot of irrigation water, as much water is transpired from the flowers and young fruit, apart from the leaves.
Water stress when the plants are flowering will inhibit flower development and reduce the formation of fruit. Watering should be started when the flower buds begin to appear.
The supply of water was slightly reduced after the fruit is formed.

b. When the fruit enlargement increased water demand up to approximately 3-4 weeks before harvest. The production will be reduced and the quality of the fruit is also down dramatically if water needs are not met. Water stress at this point would be detrimetal to flower and resulting in low productivity of fruits.
It is not so difficult to cultivate economic plants in practice.In the ornamental plant is found the economical plant as the orchards. please read the article about  orchard nursary..

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How To Cultivate Economic Plants